Vision Statement

The Wonderful Westside Neighborhood will be a safe, peaceful, and desirable place to live, work, and play. We will work together to empower inherent leadership, improve economic and social well-being, strengthen sense of belonging, and make connections with resources as we elevate, celebrate, and integrate the diverse cultures and voices of our residents. 

Banner Art by Sudanese artist and Iowa City resident Mohammed Ali


A group of University of Iowa faculty and students is collaborating with the Wonderful Westside Neighborhood, the City of Iowa City, and the Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County (NCJC) on a special project to facilitate conversations and activities in the neighborhood. 

We are seeking 10 neighborhood residents to participate in this project. The first step is to fill out the form below by March 31, 2023. Ten people will be randomly selected.

Each participant will be asked to attend three group meetings and participate in two individual interviews in April in May.  Each session will last approximately one hour. 

Each person will receive $50 at each session and can earn up to $250 total.

Important Project Information

About the Wonderful Westside Neighborhood

Where is the Wonderful Westside Neighborhood?

The Wonderful Westside Neighborhood (a name adopted in February 2023) is the people, homes, and businesses that make up a specific area within Iowa City.  The neighborhood includes all addresses on Westwinds Drive, Willowind Place, Samoa Drive, Petsel Place, Roberts Road, and Bartelt Road, including all of Pheasant Ridge Apartments.  You can see a map of the neighborhood boundaries on this webpage.  

What are the benefits of a neighborhood association?

Along with the new name, the Wonderful Westside Neighborhood has formed a neighborhood association, as announced in this recent news release. Neighborhood organizations bring together residents, businesses and others who share common goals and want to create a place to meet other residents, share concerns, offer solutions, and create a greater sense of community. As a neighborhood organization, the Wonderful Westside Neighborhood has a direct link to local government is eligible for the City's PIN grant.  All residents in the neighborhood, regardless of whether you own or rent, are welcome and encouraged to participate.  

Project Overview

What is the purpose of this project and research study?

Our primary purpose for the project is to encourage participation and leadership in efforts to build a strong, vibrant Wonderful Westside Neighborhood.  All residents are welcome and encouraged to participate in upcoming activities and meetings. In conjunction with the overarching goal, we are conducting a research study to examine how providing resources to participants impacts attitudes and behaviors for civic engagement.  Participation in this study is limited to 10 participants. 

Eligibility and Selection Process

What are the minimum requirements to participate?

To be eligible, participants must reside in the Wonderful Westside Neighborhood boundary and be at least 18 years of age.  The neighborhood includes all addresses on Westwinds Drive, Willowind Place, Samoa Drive, Petsel Place, Roberts Road, and Bartelt Road, including all of Pheasant Ridge Apartments.  You can see a map of the neighborhood boundaries on this webpage.  

Can more than one person from a household participate?

No, only one person per household can participate. However, all members of a household, older than 18 years of age, are invited to fill out the form and apply.

How many people will be selected to participate in this project?

10 people will be selected from the interested pool of participants.

Why do you collect personal information?

Because the study group will contribute ideas about a vision for the neighborhood and advise on the role of the neighborhood association, we aim to form a group that reflects the neighborhood's diversity.  For example, the group should include people from different ages and races, immigrants and non-immigrants, owners and renters, and so on.  Diversity of backgrounds and experiences can help form an association that works for all residents.  We request personal information so that we can ensure diversity within the group.  Your personal information will be confidential and not shared outside of the research study. 

How are the participants selected?

From the pool of interested participants, ten people will be randomly selected to participate in this project. Demographic information will be incorporated into the random selection process to ensure diversity within the group. 

Expectations of Participants

What is the time commitment?

Participants will be asked to participate in 5 activities that will each last approximately one hour, for a total of 5 hours.  The process begins in Mid-march and is expected to conclude by June.  Meeting dates and times have not yet been determined, but we will work to accomodate the schedules of the participants.    

What type of contributions will be expected from participants?

Participants are expected to be actively engaged and involved throughout the process. In the first activity, participants will meet individually with one or two University of Iowa representatives to conduct an interview.  The next step is for all 10 participants to participate in three group meetings focused on neighborhood issues.  In these meetings, participants will be encouraged to be active in conversations about neighborhood issues.  Finally, the participants will meet individually with University Of Iowa representatives for a final interview.  Participation is completely voluntary.  


How much will I be compensated for my participation?

Participants will be compensated $50 for each session they attend.  For attending all five sessions, participants will be compensated a total of $250.  Participants will not be compensated for sessions they do not attend. 

When will I be compensated?

Compensation will be paid in cash at each session. 

Important Dates

When is the initial application due?

Interested residents will need to complete the application form by March 31, 2023 to be considered.

When will the selected participants be notified?

The selected participants will be notified in the first week of April and will have one week to accept the offer.

Location and Accommodations

Where will the project activities take place?

Interviews and meetings will take place at the Pheasant Ridge Neighborhood Center, located at 2651 Roberts Rd in Iowa City.

Is childcare available while I participate in each session?

Yes, childcare will be available at the Pheasant Ridge Neighborhood Center for the duration of the sessions.  Childcare is provided at no cost to the participants.

Is transportation available?

Yes, transportation can be provided. 

Will there be language interpreters available?

Yes, we can provide language accommodation to participants that need language interpreters.

Additional Opportunities

If I’m not one of the 10 neighborhood residents selected for this research study, can I still participate in Wonderful Westside Neighborhood meetings and activities?

Yes!  The Wonderful Westside Neighborhood Association was established to provide ongoing opportunities for residents to gather, collaborate, and celebrate.  You can expect to hear more details soon.


نتطلع لتصبح وندرفول وستسايد حي سكني ينعم بالأمن والسلام كما نتطلع لنراها مكانا محببا للإقامة والعمل والمرح. سنعمل معا لتمكين القيادات المتأصلة وتحسين الأوضاع الاقتصادية والاجتماعية وكذلك لتعزيز روح الانتماء وخلق التواصل مع الموارد المتاحة فيما نداوم الارتقاء والاحتفاء والجمع لتنوعنا الثقافي واصواتنا المتباينة.  

نسعى لتعاون 10 من ساكني الحي للمشاركة في هذا العمل. أول خطوة هي تعبئة النموذج الملحق أدناه بحلوف 31 مارس 2023 وسيتم اختيار عشرة أشخاص عشوائيا للمشاركة. 

كل مشارك سيطلب منه حضور ثلاث اجتماعات والمشاركة في مقابلتين شخصيتين خلال شهري أبريل ومايو وستستغرق كل مقابلة حوالي ساعة واحدة.  

سيتلقى كل شخص 50 دولارًا عن كل حلقة ويمكن كسب ما يصل إلى 250 دولارًا في المجموع. 

Le Wonderful Westside Neighborhood (or : le merveilleux quartier de Westside) sera un endroit sûr, paisible et agréable pour vivre, travailler et se divertir. Nous travaillerons ensemble pour renforcer le leadership inhérent, améliorer le bien-être économique et social, renforcer le sentiment d'appartenance et établir des liens avec les ressources tout en élevant, célébrant et intégrant les diverses cultures et voix de nos résident(e)s. 

Un groupe de professeurs et d'étudiant(e)s de l'Université de l'Iowa collabore avec le Wonderful Westside Neighborhood, la ville d'Iowa City et les Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County (NCJC) sur un projet spécial visant à faciliter les conversations et les activités dans le quartier. 

Nous recherchons 10 résident(e)s du quartier pour participer à ce projet. La première étape consiste à remplir le formulaire ci-dessous avant le 31 mars 2023. Dix personnes seront sélectionnées au hasard.  

Chaque participant(e) sera invité(e) à assister à trois réunions de groupe et à participer à deux entretiens individuels d'avril à mai. Chaque séance durera environ une heure 

Chaque personne recevra 50 $ à chaque session et pourra gagner jusqu'à 250 $ au total. 

El “Wonderful Westside Neighborhood” (El Vencindario Maravilloso del Westside) será un lugar seguro, tranquilo y muy cotizado en que se puede vivir, trabajar y disfrutar en paz. Vamos a trabajar juntos para empoderar líderes de la comunidad, mejorar las condiciones económicas y sociales, fortalecer el sentido de comunidad y conectar los vecinos con recursos, todo con el objetivo de elevar, celebrar e integrar las culturas y voces diversas de nuestros residentes.

Un grupo de profesores y estudiantes de la Universidad de Iowa está colaborando con el Vecindario Maravilloso del Westside, la Ciudad de Iowa City y los Centros de Vecindarios de Johnson Country (NCJC) en un Proyecto único para facilitar conversaciones y actividades en el vecindario.

Estamos buscando a 10 vecinos de la zona para participar en el Proyecto El primer paso consiste en llenar la solicitud abajo antes del 31 de marzo, 2023. Diez personas serán seleccionadas aleatoriamente.

Cada participante tendrá que asistir a tres reuniones y participar en dos entrevistas individuales durante los meses de abril y mayo. Cada sesión durará aproximadamente una hora.

 Cada participante recibirá una compensación de $50 para cada sesión, hasta un total potencial de $250.