Survey now open
Monday, December 16, 2024

A new statewide initiative from Pathfinders Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) aims to help individuals with disabilities and their caregivers better navigate opportunities to enjoy Iowa’s parks and cultural spaces. 

Working with the University of Iowa’s Initiative for Sustainable Communities (IISC), Pathfinders launched a survey to identify and map accessibility in parks, natural areas, and cultural destinations. 

Project designers encourage anyone with knowledge about accessible features to help build the database and map. The survey uses a crowdsourcing platform to pinpoint locations and identify existing accessibility features from a list of options. Users can also identify areas that they’d like to see become more accessible. The survey can be accessed directly at and on Pathfinders’ website,

Museums, playgrounds, lakes, campgrounds, and trails all included

“Inclusive and accessible communities are vital for creating positive and supportive environments,” said Ashley Utt, Executive Director of Pathfinders RC&D. “We hope this map enables people to discover a wide range of activities they can enjoy and participate in, contributing to an Iowa built for everyone.”

The data from this survey will help expand Pathfinders’ existing accessibility map posted on their website. The map includes museums, playgrounds, lakes, campgrounds, and trails that provide fully accessible or partially accessible amenities. Currently, the map includes places in south central Iowa.  This project will expand the map to be statewide and more interactive. 

A portion of the work will be completed by University of Iowa students through the IISC community engagement program. Students in Public Affairs are helping gather data, while students studying Geographic Information Services (GIS), led by instructor Adam Skibbe, are working on the online mapping and user platforms.

“Our partnership with Pathfinders provides unique opportunities for University of Iowa students to develop skills while also making an impact on the lives of Iowans. We’re excited to be part of this meaningful project,” said IISC Director Travis Kraus.  

About Pathfinders RC&D

Pathfinders Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to “create vibrant communities by strengthening local economies and encouraging natural resource conservation” ( They collaborate with communities in the areas of housing, community development, water quality and soil health. Pathfinders RC&D seeks information directly from the community about their needs and provides resources and support to address those issues. To learn more about the organization or find ways to get involved, visit