Bicycle Safety and Use Campaigns
Students in the Public Health Program completed two projects, both of which focused on increasing awareness and use of safe road-sharing behaviors and bicycling transportation in Iowa City. The first project was focused on the creation of a communications campaign about how sharrows are understood and function as a means for bicyclers and motorists to share the road. The second concerned planning and campaigning for a temporary bike lane that was installed in Iowa City in May 2016.
Bicycle safety and use is predicated on public knowledge of road-sharing behaviors. Iowa City is a bike-friendly community with a strong and growing biking culture that can be further supported by systematic efforts to increase knowledge about the benefits and risks of bicycle riding and the rules in Iowa City that guide it.
Final reports documenting the research and results of both projects; communication materials, including stickers and posters, promoting messages about safe bicycling in Iowa City; and a temporary bike lane event held in May 2016.