Mason City Community Mobile App Development
Using graphic designs from students in the School of Art & Art History, UI student Kaisha Billings built a community-based mobile app on behalf of the City of Mason City and Visit Mason City that connects residents and visitors to the local activities and resources.
Visit Mason City and the City of Mason City teamed up with students from the University of Iowa to design and develop a free mobile app – Embrace Mason City. With guidance from community partners, students in the Graphic Design VI course created the easy-to-use, community-based app. Kaisha Billings, while majoring in Informatics in the Department of Computer Science, completed the project by building the app and adding content.
App content is organized into two categories - Things to Do and Community Info – which provide users with a variety of helpful information and resources. The app guides users to Mason City attractions and nearby restaurants. Cycling enthusiasts can navigate the city’s bikeway system and trails. Users can scroll through upcoming events and access Visit Mason City's interactive Travel Guide. All listings include location details and instant directions. Maps and public transit information are also featured, as well as access to the City’s SeeClickFix portal which allows users to report maintenance issues.
The Embrace Mason City app is available now for download from the iTunes AppStore and on Google Play.