
Chris Stoakes

Christopher Stoakes

Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Peggy Stover

Associate Professor of Practice and Director, Undergraduate Marketing Institute

Charles Swanson

Executive Director, Hancher
Suha Taha

Suha Taha

AmeriCorps Program Coordinator
Suha is from Sudan and graduated from The University of Iowa with a majors in Business Studies and International Relations. She is also a Clinic Coordinator for the UI’s Mobile Clinic and was an advocate for NISAA Family Services. Suha is interested in bridging gaps in access to healthcare.
Andrea Tracy

Andrea Tracy

Associate Professor
Rachel Young

Rachel Young

Associate Professor, School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Rachel Young's research investigates the role of social media and other user-generated digital content in health and wellness. Overall, the goal behind her research is to apply mass communication theory to improve health outcomes. Prior to joining the UI Faculty, Rachel had more than a decade of professional experience as a health and science writer/editor for a variety of publications and organizations, including the American Medical Association and Cricket Magazine Group. Most recently, she designed a public relations campaign promoting consideration of health outcomes in local policy decisions. Current projects include a series of studies on promoting bystander intervention in online aggression and cyberbullying and an investigation of how public health organizations use social media during disease outbreaks. Rachel also serves as academic advisor for the University of Iowa chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America.
Samantha Zuhlke

Samantha Zuhlke

Assistant Professor, School of Planning and Public Affairs