Earth & Environmental Sciences

West Burlington - Prairie Restoration
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Academic year
During the fall semester, UI students enrolled in “Prairie Restoration” worked with the City of West Burlington to design and construct a new prairie garden.
This project provided an opportunity for students and city staff to learn together about the value of prairie plants, even in relatively small spaces such as the new garden they created. Prairie restorations provide much-needed habitat and food for songbirds, pollinators, and other native wildlife.

Mapping and Prediciting Potential Frac Sand Mine Locations
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Academic year
Researchers from the GEEMaP program, College of Engineering, and Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences collaborated to predict and map where frac sand mines may be most likely to occur in Winneshiek County if the industry enters the area.

Soil Analysis of Potential Urban Agriculture Areas within City Limits
Monday, June 27, 2016
Academic year
Students in the Earth and Environmental Sciences program evaluated soils at the Chadek property, which was a vacant city lot located in the Morningside neighborhood of Iowa City, south of City High and a few blocks west of 1st Ave.