Clinton Trail Connectivity and Design
For their graduating capstone project, students in Civil and Environmental Engineering created a proposal for a new trail system aimed at cyclists and pedestrians that would connect downtown Clinton to its industrial quarter on the south side.
Over the last few years the city of Clinton has made strides to create a more bikeable and bike friendly community. As the focus changes to communities that are healthier, more bike friendly, and more sustainable dedicated bike paths and a connected network increase the quality of life and make the community safer. Through steps such as creating a Trails Advisory Committee, focusing on complete streets designs and making a conscious effort to expand our connectivity the city has made trails and our bike network a focal point for improvement. Trails make communities healthier, create better connected communities, provide transportation and recreation opportunities as well as providing economic impacts to the surrounding community.
The City of Clinton asked for a bike trail design connecting Lincolnway to South 9th Street connecting through the city, city owned property, adjacent to stream bank and along the railroad. The project requires road crossings, creek crossings, passing through commercial areas, undeveloped areas, and residential areas. The students' design follows SUDAS Standards for trails, road crossings, and pedestrian ramps and includes designs for lighting, trailhead facilities (i.e., parking lots, public restrooms, maps, and public bike tools).