Alternative Transportation

Accessibility, land use top citizens' housing, transportation concerns

Dubuque - Alternative Transportation Action Plan
As part of their capstone project, second-year Urban & Regional Planning graduate students created a plan to spur action toward improving bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in Dubuque.
As part of its ambitious sustainability plans, Dubuque seeks to reduce vehicle dependency and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and create/promote accessible and equitable transportation alternatives.
Dubuque E-Bike and Scooter Program Market Analysis
Students in a Tippie College of Business marketing consulting course conducted a market analysis and environmental scan to help the City of Dubuque explore the possibility of an e-bike or scooter sharing program.
The City of Dubuque wants to diversity its transportation system and provide more environmentally-friendly and cost-effective options to residents and visitors. A leader in sustainability, Dubuque wanted to learn more about these forms of micro-mobility as alternatives to cars.

Clinton Trail Connectivity and Design
For their graduating capstone project, students in Civil and Environmental Engineering created a proposal for a new trail system aimed at cyclists and pedestrians that would connect downtown Clinton to its industrial quarter on the south side.