Volga Stormwater Management Engineering & Design
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students created designs stormwater management improvements to mitigate flooding issues in Volga.
The city of Volga suffers from severe flooding during the spring and summer months, causing mosquito problems and flooding for residents as water pools in low areas. Civil & Environmental Engineering students teamed up with Volga representatives in an effort to come up with solutions for their town and mitigate their current stormwater infrastructure. After discussion with the community representatives, the students found three specific sites that needed attention: a surface runoff problem on Volga Street and two low-lying areas that retain water and remain chronically wet. Constraints that were encountered during this project include time, space, and budget. With Volga being a small town, a low cost, low maintenance solution was desired. The engineering team developed alternatives for each site and made final recommendations for a wetland, pump system, and stormwater system outlet to the Volga River. The final report includes designs and cost estimates.