Stormwater Management

West Burlington - Luers Park Stormwater Drainage Engineering and Design
For their capstone project, Civil and Environmental Engineering students provided analysis, recommendations, designs, and costs to address flooding in West Burlington's Luers Park.
Roughly 80% of West Burlington's stormwater drains into Luer’s Park, which in turn flows into Izaak Walton Lake to the north. The lake is experiencing severe erosion and sedimentation build-up. Its current outflow structure is unable to discharge an adequate volume of water.

Dubuque - Stormwater Climate Action Plan
For their capstone design project, students in Civil and Environmental Engineering prepared a Stormwater Climate Action Plan that addresses current and future problem areas within the city’s stormwater system and provide potential action items to account for climate change effects.

Maquoketa Single Family Subdivision and Drainage Plan
Students in Civil and Environmental Engineering created plans for an affordable housing subdivision on five parcels of land in Maquoketa. The project includes stormwater management and remediation of a hazardous chemical.

Clinton - Stormwater Utility Engineering Study
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students created plans for a new stormwater utility to establish an equitable system to charge customers.

Clinton - Activating Downtown Alleyways
Students in a course in the School of Planning and Public Affairs developed recommendations for revitalizing Clinton's alleyways with improved pavers, public art, and other modifications.
Downtown alleyways often serve important functions, such as waste management or service entrances for businesses. However, communities are increasingly recognizing alleyways as opportunities to create unique public spaces while also improving water runoff.

Sabula Municipal Dock Design and Engineering
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students will evaluate and design a municipal dock along the Mississippi River for the City of Sabula, Iowa.

Maquoketa River WMA Governance and Organizational Effectiveness
Clinic law students, who are second or third-year students at the University of Iowa College of Law participating in the Community Empowerment Law Project (CELP), worked with Maquoketa River WMA officials to improve organizational effectiveness and develop strategies to help achieve short and long terms organizational goals.

Maquoketa River Watershed Short Film
Department of Cinematic Arts student Andrew Senneff created a short informational film about the Maquoketa River Watershed, with the goal of educating the public about the importance of watershed management.

Maquoketa River Watershed Interactive GIS Map
As part of the ICIGO student organization within the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences, students created an interactive GIS map for the Maquoketa River watershed. The students used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools to make a user-friendly map showing important features of the watershed.

Monticello Floodplain and Prairie Restoration
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, a group of students completed engineering plans for the redesign of a riverside constructed wetland and a 12-acre flood plain and prairie in Monticello, Iowa.

Maquoketa Subdivision Site Development
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students completed an evaluation and redesign of a land use master plan for undeveloped land in Maquoketa, Iowa.

Camp Courageous Stormwater Quality and Detention
Civil & Environmental Engineering students designed stormwater management facilities to improve stormwater quality and promote habitat growth.