Jackson County
Located in central eastern Iowa, the Jackson County Economic Alliance (JCEA) facilitates, leads, and promotes organized economic growth in order to improve the quality of life and to protect and create jobs through innovative and conventional programs within our community. With its main office in Maquoketa, JCEA serves the 13 incorporated towns of Jackson County, including Sabula, Preston, Bellevue, and Miles, as well as unincorporated areas.


Bellevue Downtown Parking Study
Through an independent study project, second-year Urban & Regional Planning student Zach Harland worked with the Jackson county Economic Alliance and the City of Bellevue to assess downtown parking and make recommendations for improvements.

Bellevue Marketing and Branding
Marketing teams in the Tippie College of Business Marketing Institute developed multiple options for new branding, including logos and taglines, for the City of Bellevue.

Hurstville Lime Kilns Site and Structural Improvements
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students completed an evaluation of four historic lime kilns and property in Jackson County, including the kilns, rock crusher, two-span bridge, dike system, aqueduct, and stormwater management. They also provided designs to protect the structures as well as improvements to the property that enhance the visitor experience.

Innovate 120 - Sustainability and Marketing
Student teams in two Tippie College of Business courses, Marketing and Sustainability and Business Consulting developed marketing strategies to build broad community awareness of Innovate 120, a new innovation hub located in Maquoketa and serving the broad eastern Iowa region.

Jackson County Clean Energy Plan
Working in conjunction with the Jackson Clean Energy District (Jackson CED), graduate students in the School of Planning & Public Affairs developed a Clean Energy Plan for Jackson County, Iowa.
Jackson CED exists to strengthen Jackson County communities in Jackson County by leading the transition away from fossil fuels toward local and inclusive clean energy. Jackson CED has a three-pronged community building mission:

Jackson County Historical Society Technical Solutions Evaluation
Graduate students in the School of Library & Information Science partnered with Jackson County Historical Society to perform a technical evaluation for building an online compendium of Jackson County, Iowa history.

Maquoketa Arts Non-Profits - Organizational Collaboration and Management
Students in the Tippie College of Business course Non-Profit Organizational Effectiveness developed frameworks for interagency collaboration and strategic planning for local arts organizations in Maquoketa, Iowa.

Maquoketa City Council Goal Setting and Onboarding
In conjunction with the Maquoketa City Council, second-year students in the Master of Public Affairs program assisted the Council in goal setting, updating best practices for governance, and developing onboarding materials for future elected officials.
The City of Maquoketa has a population of about 6,100 and is located in Jackson County in east-central Iowa along Highways 61 and 64. Maquoketa is a county seat and a regional leader in arts and entertainment, healthcare, historic preservation, and recreation.

Maquoketa Farmers Market Organizational and Policy Study
As part of their capstone project, second-year graduate students from the Master of Public Affairs program developed a list of organizational and policy recommendations to strengthen the Maquoketa Farmers Market and to increase regional collaboration and access to local foods.

Maquoketa Gender Equity Policy Study
Students enrolled in the School of Planning and Public Affairs Public Policy and Persuasion course worked with Maquoketa leaders to develop a set of proposed policy solutions to balance the gender distribution of individuals in public positions.

Maquoketa Subdivision Site Development
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students completed an evaluation and redesign of a land use master plan for undeveloped land in Maquoketa, Iowa.

Maquoketa Volunteerism Policy Study
Students enrolled in the School of Planning and Public Affairs Public Policy and Persuasion course worked with Maquoketa leaders to develop a set of proposed policy solutions for increasing civic volunteerism across all demographics in Maquoketa.

Maquoketa Welcoming Newcomers Policy Study
Students enrolled in the School of Planning and Public Affairs Public Policy and Persuasion course worked with Maquoketa leaders to develop a set of proposed policy initiatives for welcoming newcomers to the Maquoketa community.

Maquoketa Youth Engagement Policy Study
Students enrolled in the School of Planning and Public Affairs Public Policy and Persuasion course worked with key stakeholders in Maquoketa to develop a set of proposed policy initiatives to enhance youth civic engagement opportunities and involvement in the community.
Young people under the age of 21 make up 28.3% of Maquoketa’s population. Opportunities for youth civic participation in Maquoketa are limited, and community leaders are looking to find new, more effective ways to engage with the young population.

Maquoketa/Jackson County Workforce Housing Policy Study
Students enrolled in the School of Planning and Public Affairs Public Policy and Persuasion course worked with key stakeholders to develop a set of proposed policy solutions for creating additional workforce housing options for Maquoketa residents.

Preston Harvest Heights Subdivision Marketing Plan
Two students from the Tippie College of Business Marketing Institute developed marketing strategies and materials to promote the sale of lots in the City of Preston's new subdivision, Harvest Heights.

Preston Marketing and Branding
Marketing teams in the Tippie College of Business Marketing Institute developed multiple options for new branding, including logos and taglines, for the City of Preston.

Preston Mural
Visiting Assistant Professor Ali Hval designed and installed a mural in Preston, Iowa, that reflects the community's unique history and local assets.
In 2019, Ali Hval received her MFA with Honors at the University of Iowa in Painting and Drawing with a minor concentration in Ceramics. Her work is interdisciplinary, combining mural painting, fabric, ceramic, sculpture, and installation.

Preston Non-Motorized Connectivity
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students designed sidewalk and trail improvements to increase non-motorized connectivity in Preston, Iowa.

Preston Sewer and Water GIS Mapping
As part of the ICIGO student organization within the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences, students digitized hand made files of the current sewer and water system in Preston, Iowa using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools.