Mason City
Located in northern Iowa in Cerro Gordo County, Mason City is known for its diverse economic composition and its rich arts and culture background, especially for music and architecture. With a population of over 28,000 people, Mason City serves as economic and retail hub for the area, drawing individuals from northern Iowa and southern Minnesota. As Mason City, like other Midwestern towns, have made transitions as the economy has shifted, the city has invested in initiatives that has set it up for growth and new development. Mason City's partnership with the IISC will allow them to explore sustainable projects and processes and incorporate them into building for the future.


"Building Our Brand" Downtown Murals - Brick Furniture Design & Installation
MFA student Ali Hval designed murals with "prairie style" themes for two downtown Mason City locations as part of the community's "Building Our Brand" campaign. Ali also painted the mural designed for the Brick Furniture building.

"Building Our Brand" Downtown Murals - City Center Building Design Proposal
MFA student Ali Hval designed murals with "prairie style" themes for two downtown Mason City locations as part of the community's "Building Our Brand" campaign.

Branding Mason City's North End Business District
Juniors in the Tippie College of Business Marketing Institute developed brand alternatives for Mason City’s North End Commercial District, with a goal of uniting the area’s current and future small business owners under a common effort to attract customers and revitalize the neighborhood.

Condominimum Design & Engineering
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students designed a multi-family residential structure for a specific site in Mason City.

Main Street Mason City Strategic Communications Campaign
Journalism & Mass Communication students developed a strategic communications campaign for Main Street Mason City, a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization with a mission to “enhance, promote and preserve downtown Mason City as a diverse business, cultural and residential destination, for the benefit of the entire community.”

Mason City "Aging in Place" Public Health Campaigns
Graduate students in the College of Public Health developed campaigns for the Mason City community that address issues related to the increasing proportion of older residents in the community. The public health campaigns were tailored to help Mason City residents better "age in place", which can mean helping individuals stay in their own homes longer, as well as helping the community adapt and develop resources that make Mason City functional and attractive for older residents.

Mason City Architectural Inventory Online Platform
Graduate students in the School of Library & Information Science built a framework and online platform for archiving data related to Mason City architecture.

Mason City Community Mobile App Development
Using graphic designs from students in the School of Art & Art History, UI student Kaisha Billings built a community-based mobile app on behalf of the City of Mason City and Visit Mason City that connects residents and visitors to the local activities and resources.

Mason City North End Neighborhood Plan
As part of their capstone project, second-year graduate students from the University of Iowa’s School of Urban & Regional Planning developed a plan for Mason City's North End Neighborhood.

Mason City North End Neighborhood Public Health Campaign
Graduate students in the College of Public Health developed a public health campaign for the Mason City's North End neighborhood to combat negative perceptions in order to improve residents' health and well-being.
This campaign seeks to improve perceptions of Mason City's North End neighborhood. Negative stigmas attached to the neighborhood, often considered run-down or dangerous, can have an adverse effect on health and wellness. Data suggests that perceptions don't necessarily match reality.

Mason City Waterways Access and Development
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students created the design for three access points to the Winnebago River in Mason City, creating opportunities for new and enhanced recreation use of the river.

Pennsylvania Ave Complete Streets Design Alternatives
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students created complete street designs for Pennsylvania Avenue in Mason City.

Bridge and Bikeway: Engineering & Design
As part of the Senior Design Capstone Course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students created a design of a bike trail extension and a multimodal bridge for the City of Mason City, IA.

Firehouse Restoration
As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students provided a structural evaluation, feasibility study, and restoration alternative plans with cost estimates for a historic fire station in Mason City.

Flooding Risk Assessment using HAZUS modeling
Students in the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences course GIS for Environmental Studies course conducted a flooding risk assessment for the Cerro Gordo County Emergency Management Agency using HAZUS modeling software.

Mason City Civic Engagement Campaign
Students from the School of Journalism & Mass Communication created a strategic marketing and communications campaign to encourage civic engagement among Mason City residents and to recruit volunteers to serve on local government boards.

Mason City Community Mobile App Graphic Design
Students in the School of Art & Art History Graphic Design course designed a community-based mobile app for the City of Mason City.

Mason City Community Plan for Sustainability
As part of their capstone project, second-year graduate students from the University of Iowa’s School of Urban & Regional Planning developed a sustainability plan for the City of Mason City.

Mason City Farmers Market Study and Marketing
In a report to the City of Mason City and North Iowa Farmers’ Market Board of Directors, students in the Entrepreneurial Management Institute: Business Consulting class provided recommendations for a permanent location for a community farmers market based on preferred characteristics and potential sites.

Mason City Public Transit Ridership Campaign
Students from the School of Journalism & Mass Communication developed a strategic marketing and communications campaign to attract new riders for the Mason City’s public transit system, using creative outreach materials and various communications platforms to reach target audiences.