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Dubuque - Addressing Absenteeism in Dubuque's Marshallese Community
College of Law students who are part of the Community Empowerment Law Project worked with the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque to better understand the issue of chronic absenteeism among Marshallese students. In addition to synthesizing reasons for the problem, they also identified solutions.

Bondurant Community Promotional Video
Communication Studies student Ethan Snee worked closely with Bondurant city leaders and residents to create a promotional video for the community, with a specific focus on sharing the growing community's many opportunities for prospective business and residents. Enjoy the videos below!
Bondurant - Public Safety Study
Masters of Public Affairs students in the School of Planning and Public Affairs conducted a study to provide decision-making support to Bondurant community leaders as they consider alternatives for public safety and law enforcement services.

ECR Transportation Gap Study
Faculty researchers and University of Iowa students collaborated with an Eastern Iowa regional provider, ECR, on a study to close transportation gaps for individuals with brain health/mental health needs and disabilities.

Dubuque Green Alleyways Policy Analysis
As part of their capstone project, Public Affairs graduate students developed metrics and conducted an analysis of Dubuque's Green Alleyways Project, which is designed to improve the aesthetic and environmental functions of alleys in the Bee Branch Watershed.

Dubuque Affordable Housing Action Plan
Urban & Regional Planning and Sustainable Development graduate students synthesized existing documents and developed new strategies to create the City of Dubuque's first plan focused specifically on Affordable Housing.

Dubuque - Language Justice and Translating Extreme Weather and Public Health Information
Graduate students from the Division of World Languages, Literature, and Cultures enrolled in the class “Language Justice: Community Engagement” addressed the role of language in civic life. They focused on the experiences of two Dubuque micro-communities--recent immigrants from the Marshall Islands and Guatemala.

Bondurant - Oral Histories of Summerfest and the Farmers Cooperative
Students in a the class Museums, Folklife and Community Curation" interviewed residents about Bondurant's history and also its current culture, focusing on Summerfest and Farmers Cooperative.

Dubuque - Alternative Transportation Action Plan
As part of their capstone project, second-year Urban & Regional Planning graduate students created a plan to spur action toward improving bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in Dubuque.
As part of its ambitious sustainability plans, Dubuque seeks to reduce vehicle dependency and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and create/promote accessible and equitable transportation alternatives.

Bondurant - Parks, Trails, and Greenways Master Plan
Urban & Regional Planning and Sustainable Development graduate students developed new Parks, Trails, and Greenways Master Plan that provides comprehensive vision of Bondurant's local park system, recreation facilities, natural resources, and other public open spaces.
Dubuque E-Bike and Scooter Program Market Analysis
Students in a Tippie College of Business marketing consulting course conducted a market analysis and environmental scan to help the City of Dubuque explore the possibility of an e-bike or scooter sharing program.
The City of Dubuque wants to diversity its transportation system and provide more environmentally-friendly and cost-effective options to residents and visitors. A leader in sustainability, Dubuque wanted to learn more about these forms of micro-mobility as alternatives to cars.

Bondurant - Policy Pathways for Redevelopment of the Idle Grain Silo Complex
A team of students in the College of Law's Community Empowerment Law Project explored legislative pathways and financial mechanisms to support redevelopment of a large, idle agricultural facility located in the middle of Bondurant.

Telling the Story of Bondurant's History
Graduate students in the Department of English worked with the Bondurant Historical Society to develop multimedia resources that connect Bondurant's past and future, focusing on ways to preserve community heritage and identity in the face of rapid community growth.

Bondurant - Chichaqua Valley Trailhead and Trail Improvements
For their capstone project in Civil and Environmental Engineering, a team of students devised a way to connect two sections of the popular Chichaqua Valley Trail, and developed engineering designs and cost estimates to help the City of Bondurant implement the project.

Bondurant - GIS Mapping and Analysis Projects
As part of the ICIGO student organization within the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences, students provided GIS mapping and analysis support for the City of Bondurant on five topics: a digitized stream buffer, mapping the community's tree canopy, mapping rental properties, spatial analysis of assessed property valuation, and a sidewalk inventory.

Bondurant - Parks and Recreation Mural
MFA alum Drew Etienne designed and created a a mural depicting Iowa birds for Bondurant's future Parks and Recreation Facility.
Located at the Bondurant Regional Trailhead, the Parks and Recreation facility is positioned in a prominent location. Drew Etienne's design encapsulates the beauty of Iowa's natural landscape across all four seasons. The artist statement conveys the inspiration for the design:

Dubuque - Five Flags Center Cool & Green Roof Designs
For their capstone project in Civil and Environmental Engineering, students researched best practices for cool and green roofs and applied their findings to the city-owned Five Flags Civic Center.
Defined as a built environment that experiences higher temperatures than suburban or rural areas, all communities have areas that possess higher heat ratios due to more pavement, fewer trees, and other elements. These are often in downtown. Two increasingly popular methods for addressing urban heat islands are cool and green roofs.

Dubuque - Stormwater Climate Action Plan
For their capstone design project, students in Civil and Environmental Engineering prepared a Stormwater Climate Action Plan that addresses current and future problem areas within the city’s stormwater system and provide potential action items to account for climate change effects.

Dubuque - JFK Road Analysis and Redesign
For their capstone design project in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, a team of students analyzed the JFK corridor from Carter Rd to Highway 20 and created designs to improve its safety and accessibility.
Dubuque - Sculpture Created from Recycled Playground Equipment
Jamie Weinfurter, an MFA student in studio arts, created a new sculpture using a collection of metal pipes and other parts from former playground equipment. The final design was the result of engaging with teachers, administrators, and students at Audubon Elementary in Dubuque.
On Tuesday, June 18, at 3:00 pm, a new sculpture was unveiled in front of Audubon Elementary School in Dubuque.