Articles from July 2024

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"Community" at Heart of IISC Team's Work
Friday, July 12, 2024
We, the staff of IISC--Travis Kraus, director, and Jennifer New, public engagement specialist--are passionate about community. Travis serves on multiple boards related to planning and community engagement and both are active in local nonprofits. Our work in the community informs IISC projects and partnerships.

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Dubuque Pursuing Sustainability, Development Initiatives Resulting from UI Study
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Dubuque city officials say they are seeking ways to implement recommendations made in a recently completed affordable housing action plan.
The plan was created over the course of the 2023-24 school year by four University of Iowa graduate students who recommended various strategies the city can employ to move toward goals of sustainability, alleviating residents’ housing-cost burden and maximizing land for various types of housing.